On the FirstMetroSec online trading platform, a Ticker Tape displays real-time stock prices and other related information. It allows users to see which stocks are being traded at that moment, their prices, traded volumes, and other important information. This feature helps investors follow the ups and downs of the market and make well-timed decisions about their investments.
Understanding the FirstMetroSec ticker tape is essential for anyone involved in trading or investing through the FirstMetroSec platform. Here's a breakdown of the information available:
- Stock Code –the abbreviated code for a specific stock (e.g., “ALI” for Ayala Land, Inc.).
- Market Price – the most recent trading price of the stock.
- Traded Volume – the number of shares traded in the most recent transaction.
- Buying Broker – the abbreviated code for the buying broker.
- Selling Broker – the abbreviated code for the selling broker.
In addition, the ticker's color provides insights into the stock's performance:
- GREEN - trading higher than the previous day's closing price.
- RED - trading lower than the previous day's closing price.
- YELLOW - price unchanged from the previous closing price.
This visual cue allows for efficient evaluation and decision-making in response to market conditions.