To get your IPO/FOO allocation, you must first pay for your PSE Easy subscription. You may either:
a. Pay through PSE Easy’s designated bank partner for the particular IPO/FOO, before the given deadline. Be sure to follow the payment instructions indicated in the email you will receive after subscription, and cite your PSE Easy Reference Number (20 alphanumeric characters); OR
b. Submit a request to debit your FirstMetroSec account as payment for your PSE Easy subscription, using this link - PSE Easy IPO Payment.
Please enter your registered email address in FirstMetroSec, PSE Easy Reference Number (20 alphanumeric characters), your full name, FirstMetroSec Account Code, order size, amount, and choose "PSE Easy" for Area of Concern. Please attach your PSE Easy subscription details screenshot.
Note: Once you submitted your request for payment, you are not allowed to cancel your PSE Easy reservation. Please note that if your funds are insufficient, FirstMetroSec will resubmit it for processing the next business day until the deadline of payment.
Deadline for debit request (DITO FOO) 12:00NN of NOVEMBER 25, 2024 (a day before offer period ends). After this deadline, all payments must be coursed directly to PSE Easy’s designated bank (Refer to item a).
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are authorizing FirstMetroSec to debit cleared/withdrawable funds from your account to pay for your PSE Easy subscription. Once you submit this request, your information which includes the PSE Easy reference number, number of shares, and subscription amount cannot be altered or cancelled. Refunds, if any, will be processed 5 business days after the end of the Offer Period.
In cases of insufficient cleared/withdrawable funds from your account, FirstMetroSec will proceed in processing your payment the next business day up to FirstMetroSec’s deadline of payment, without the need of prior notice. In no event shall FirstMetroSec be responsible and/or liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss or damages arising from this non-payment.
If you AGREE to the above, click this link to submit your request to pay for your PSE Easy subscription.
Once the request form has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email from our team.