Retail Treasury Bonds
- Retail Treasury Bonds Tranche 30 (RTB 30) FAQs
- Retail Treasury Bonds Tranche 29 (RTB 29) FAQs
- Retail Treasury Bonds Due 2028 (RTB 28) FAQs
- Retail Treasury Bonds Tranche 27 (RTB27)
- How to buy RTBs thru FirstMetroSec?
- How do I avail RTBs?
- How do I pay for RTBs?
- What is an RTB?
- Are RTBs risky?
- Where do I get the interest payments of RTBs? How often?
- For RTBs, when do I get my principal back? Can it be pre-terminated?
- Can I trade/sell Retail Treasury Bonds (RTB) and Retail Dollar Bonds (RDBs)? How?
- For RTBs, will I get the full amount of my principal back when I sell?
- How long will it take to get the sell proceeds from RTB?
- What is a Bond Exchange and How can I participate?
- Can I sell partial amounts of the RTB?
- Does having a Metrobank online account automatically mean that I have a FirstMetroSec Account?
- Can I order RTB online even if my bank account is not Metrobank?
- How much is the broker’s fee for RTBs?
- What will be my proof of ownership for RTB?
- For RTB purchase, I already funded my account but the prompt still says not enough buying power.
- Can I order RTB from overseas?
- Can I order RTB anytime?