- To unlock your account, click the ‘Forgot Password’ link.
- Enter your Username and correctly answer the Security Question you set during the online registration. Click DONE.
- After you submit the correct answer, a temporary password will be sent to your registered email address.
- Log in to your FirstMetroSec Account with your Username and Temporary Password.
- Upon logging in, you will be prompted to change your password.
- In the Old Password field, type the Temporary Password.
- In the New Password field, enter a new password.
Note that your new password should satisfy ALL of the following requirements:
- 8-15 characters
- At least one Upper Case letter
- At least one Number
- At least one Special Character
- In the Re-Type Password field, enter the new password again. Click Change.
- When the log in page refreshes, log in with your Username and New Password.
Security Tips:
- Change your password on a regular basis
- Create complex passwords
- Never disclose your username and password
- Be careful of unsolicited emails and offers as this may be a phishing attempt
Note: If you forgot your answer to your security question, you may request assistance using this link.